Monday, April 6, 2009

Rippin & rollin

I had a good weekend in MI. I rode at Stony Creek twice; the trails were in great condition. I got a four hour ride in on Saturday, half of it riding from the house up there and back. They've done a good job with trail maintenance there. More corners are banked and muddy spots drained. A lot of downhill sections did not require braking b/c of this. My Salsa was nicely equipped for the trails. I must have had the right air pressure in both tires b/c they felt like velcro in corners and up climbs. I rode again on Sunday and experienced much of the same thing. Not much else went on at home. Just hanging out and eating. What else can you ask for?



  1. Stony Creek is where it all started for you, isn't it? Perhaps it was Blooomer.

    Any word on the Raleigh?

  2. as always it was great having you at home. There is nothing better than having one of your children in his/her bed or having one at the dinner table. I can't remember if we ever made it to the dinner table, Paul. Great conversations-I love to listen to your thoughts. Wonder if my parents felt the same about me.

  3. Man,,, keep cookin' on that bike. You inspire me to get out there and just do it. Really like your picture above.

  4. Hey, paul- i did not write the above comment. makes me wonder who did. kinda freaky. momma

  5. had to have been dad. he's an elipsis kind of guy, and he probably missed the period and made an elipsis of commas.

  6. and the word "cookin'" gives it away, definitely dad
