St. Pat's Day celebration this weekend. I went to a party on Sunday at an unknown location. Viv and I first went to Jaqueline's on Broadway for a shot, some beers and an education on Chicago mayoral corruption. I guess the parking police are ripping people off by only allowing some meters to have a half hour limit. People keep trying to add money before realizing time will not be increasing. Either way it was a good time there. At the house party I saw a man dressed in a bath robe just like the McPoyles on Always Sunny. I had many hard to explain laughs watching this guy.
I am now the main character in a documentary being shot by my friend John. It's mostly about bike commuting on Chicago's lakefront. It will be around 10 minutes. You gotta start somewhere.
I got in about 4.5 hours of riding in with nothing more than mild knee pain. It's seems to be getting better, slowly. The Lenz is almost all together. I will have to get pics up.
Now thats livin'. Chicago is so much fun that I want to live there when I come back in my second life.